Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans

From what we've been reading about them, being a Puritan in today’s fun-long, liberal society would definitely be a drag. We've been reading about their way of life in stories such as The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter in class, and we've learned a lot about the strict, conservative policies they live by. To put it simply, they hate fun, and how they would live in the present is beyond me. But despite my doubt, there are clearly many examples of their lifestyle that remain leftover from the past.
                While the Puritans would likely believe doing anything we consider normal or, dare I say, fun, to be heretical signs of following the devil, they would seemingly approve of some aspects of our life. This is of course seen in several religious or conservative aspects in today’s media and culture, specifically, those who believe strictly in practices keeping the close to God and by their standards, “normal”. While these beliefs are in direct contrast to the way many tolerant and open-minded people live their lives, they’re still very prevalent in our society. Though to be fair, their beliefs are much less rigorous than they used to be, a clear effect of time. Whether or not they will stay around forever is definitely a question that only time will answer. However, I’m sure that as time goes on, people will surely embrace having a lenient, fun lifestyle.


  1. How would the Puritans live in present society? Hermitism is a thing.

    On a more serious note— yes, those similar of the Puritans will have similar beliefs, whether it's religious or not, but they won't be leaving for a long time. While people of such way of thinking will remain, diversity will continue to grow. It's terribly difficult to get rid of something completely once it's created (especially if it's a belief), but it's not as difficult to create a certain something (a new way of thinking).

  2. I find it interesting how you say time is a clear cause of having less rigorous beliefs. Could time be the only reason?

  3. Who would you say would be the modern Puritans? Any social group or religious group? I like the post. Their lifestyle still remains on this Earth today, as you said, though not as harsh. Plus, I gotta say I disagree with you when you said this: "To put it simply, they hate fun...". I don't necessarily think the Puritans don't like to have fun. It's just that they associate their world, routines, and whatever else they do with the Bible. In the Bible, entertainment isn't really described. The Puritans are followers of God and the Bible. If the disciples (for example), were to have fun all the time by listening to music and dancing, then I bet the Puritans would do the same. But overall, good post. :)
