Wednesday, November 27, 2013


While I was planning on lazing about and spending my five day weekend doing relatively nothing, which I enjoy thoroughly,  I need to do some work in order to honor this holiday season of Thanksgiving, the wonderful reason why I have this long weekend. Though the things I’m really thankful for are the wonderful elements of my casual lifestyle, a warm home, good food, and loving family, but what I really need to be thankful for (in this entry at least), is my friends at school who I see almost every day, specifically my friends in Mr. McCarthy’s Seventh Period American Literature class.

                Now I can assure you that I love everyone in that class equally, they’re all fabulous people who I can talk about in every way for pages upon pages, but I’d rather not do that. So I’ll focus on just one them, Holly Situ. Holly, you are a strange, sad little woman. Trust me, I will talk about how you’re cool, but need to get that fact straight first. With that being said, you’re also a spectacularly entertaining person. No matter what the situation, you always seem to make me laugh or at least mildly amused. Just for that, I’d say that you’re worth thanking. Hope you and everyone else has a happy holiday weekend.

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